Tickmark Reporting Tool allows easy compilation of different financial reports (such as Financial Statements reports, Management reports with KPIs and consolidated reports) based on the import of the Trial Balance. The tool can be also used in audit engagements for easy production of lead schedules and analytical reviews. As such, it can significantly improve work done both by auditors as well as corporation with multiple entities.

Product features


  • Import of Trial Balance for multiple periods.
  • Automatic and manual mapping of Trial Balance with chart of accounts/company’s reports.
  • Easy journal entry adjustments/reclassification.
  • Automatic and tailor made KPI reporting.
  • Comparison with prior periods/budgets – variances.


  • Import of Trial Balances for multiple companies and periods.
  • Easy elimination entries adjustments.
  • Production of consolidated profit and loss statement and balance reports.
  • Consolidated management reports with KPI’s.
  • Comparison with prior periods/budgets – variances.


  • Production of lead schedules for balance sheet and profit & loss statements.
  • Preliminary and final analytical reviews.
  • Materiality calculation.
  • Reports can be easily attached to Tickmark Audit Software.



  • Export your reports to Excel, CSV or attach them to Tickmark Audit Software.



  • Email and phone support.
  • Training.
  • Remote desktop support.


How it works?



How do I install Tickmark Reporting Tool?

There is no need for installation, Tickmark Reporting Tool is a web-based solution. Each user has a unique username and password, and once these are entered into the application you can continue to work offline in web browser until session expires.

What web browsers can I use for working in Tickmark Reporting Tool?

You can use either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers. Tickmark Reporting Tool will not work in Internet Explorer.

Where is the data stored?

Although Tickmark Reporting Tool is a web-based application, all your data is stored locally on your computer and only you have access to it. You can also store data on any cloud-based storage provider, but this has to be done on your own arrangement.

Do I need the internet connection to work on Tickmark Reporting Tool?

The internet is needed in order to make the initial set up of the application and import of trial balance.

In which formats can I export data from Tickmark Reporting Tool?

The reports generated in Tickmark Reporting Tool can easily be exported into supported formats: Excel or CSV. Reports can also be easily attached to the Tickmark Audit Software.

How do I manage who has access to the data?

In Tickmark Reporting Tool, each user can load files into the application for themselves. These files can be exchanged between users through emails, filesharing etc. Hence, only the people you share files with will have access to them.

How do I import Trial Balance?

You can easily import Trail Balance ending period from Excel together with account number and account name.

How can I create report?

You can create reports manually or automatically. For example, based on the imported chart of accounts, you can automatically map each account with its position in financial reports. You can also create reports manually by creating tailored groups in management report and mapping them with accounts. Once an account is mapped, there is no need for additional mapping in the future.

Can I make manual journal entry adjustments or reclassifications?

Yes, the Tickmark Reporting Tool enables easy adjustments and reclassifications which are clearly visible to client.

Can I make consolidations of multiple companies?

You can make consolidation of multiple companies with the additional function of journal entry eliminations.

What happens if I decide to stop using Tickmark Reporting Tool?

Should you decide to stop using Tickmark Reporting Tool, your password will become inactive and you will not be able to use the application. Since all your data is stored on your computer, your decision to stop using the application will not affect your data.